My Books!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


This is my first time writing a blog so I might be randomly all over the place because I have only 36 years of things to blurt about....

First of all, I'm starting to list items that I've made on MixedUpMedia2 is my name there, if the link that I've listed doesn't work, try some kind of search on their site. I'm planning on listing my jewelry, pottery, ceramics, supplies, and who knows what else?
Anyway, I wanted to start my own internet site selling jewelry. After checking 2 venues (GoDaddy & HomeStead) I learned that it's pretty expensive up front for the domain name with quality site building & hack protection (without even knowing if it's something that I'm going to want to pay & commit to, for 2 years). Otherwise, if I was a computer programmer, I'd just have to pay for the domain name and "write" my own site, but I'm much more interested in the artistic part of my "business" as opposed to the business/computer part, so I'll try some cheaper resources for now & keep you abreasted (new term courtesy of Bucs head coach) the situation.

I plan on putting some pics up on this blog plus I always have something to chat, ponder, complain, rant & rave about, which is why I titled this blog "Arts & Rants". Most of my "rants" are either about Art (people in my classes, at stores, etc.) or the neighborhood (unsupervised kids, neighborhood speeders, rudeness, loud music, unleashed pets, e-mails etc...)or my husband, the dog, etc...There's so much to look forward to... the world is my oyster, and I am the pearl of my own blog...

Catch up with me on FaceBook and Twitter (Sweettweetr) too!!!

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